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Taming Wall Street:

Doctors Edition

Doctors are by far my favorite group of people to work with. As I mentioned in my book, the majority of my clients are doctors of some kind. Whether that is a general family practice doctor, dentist, anesthesiologist, chiropractor or surgeon. I enjoy working with them all.


The most common question I get from doctors is, "Are Doctors bad investors?"


I don't think they are. I think in most cases doctors are well educated, well read, incredibly busy and very trusting. They all get taken advantage of often.


My grandfather was a dentist that made good money. Between running his practice and serving his church community, he had little time to manage his investments. Over time he was taken advantage of. Each time he resolved to do better, which usually meant go for a higher return to make up for lost money and time. This only lead to further damage financially and further delay with retiring. Watching the devastation made an impact on me.


I hope you enjoyed my book and found the strategies valuable. This page will elaborate further and share many examples.

Doctor's Tax-Free Income Plan

Follow A Mercedes Car Purchase Case Study

Learn How To Pay Zero Taxes On This Asset

Skip The 529 Plan, Do This Instead

Doctors 10 Year Savings Plan

Stephen Interviewed By Dr. Kelly Henry

Doctor Buys Car For Son Using Life Plan

California doctor impressed by having triple the money she placed

Eye Doctor's Retirement Plan

Leverage Life Insurance For Higher Real Estate Gains

Stephen Interviewed By Dr. Kenyon Meadows

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