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Writer's pictureStephen Gardner

Caught Living At The Airport

Updated: Jan 28, 2021

He lived at the Chicago O’hare airport completely undetected for 3 months because of the kindness of strangers and the busyness of the international airport.

5 days ago a man by the name of Aditya Singh was arrested at the O’hare airport in Chicago.

Mr. Singh had come to the United States 5 years earlier to complete a Masters degree in California.

As his time was up and he needed to return to his home country of India, after stopping in Chicago, he said he became afraid of returning home to India because of the coronavirus.

So instead of flying on to India he slept and hid in the international airport. Not having much food, clothes or money, Mr Singh stayed in the shadows, politely asked strangers for money and food here and there and used bathrooms to freshen up.

Now as far as I can tell, it is not illegal to sleep or stay over at an airport.

In fact in 2006 or so, my wife and I got caught at the Denver airport in one of Colorado’s worst blizzards and had to sleep on card board boxes with tiny airplane pillows and tiny airplane blankets. It was not fun.

However, international airports have different rules when it comes to people from outside of the United States. Also, Mr Singh was caught with a missing security badge and it is believed he had been entering off limit areas of the airport to hide or sleep.

Tom Hanks played a role in a movie several years back about a man stuck in an airport do to war in his home country.

So what do you think should happen. Should this man be tried or shown compassion?

Let me know what you think in the comments.

Have you ever had to sleep or stay over in an airport? I’d love to hear your story in the comments.

2020 was sure a bizarre year and I think living at an airport would have only made it all the more bizarre.

I hope you enjoyed this article.

I wish to remind you, that you are amazing.

I appreciate you being in my community.



Melissa Smith
Melissa Smith
Nov 05, 2021

Compassion: Linaka Sept 01 answer was all that entered my thoughts prior to me reading her post and then others. What Jesus would do?, Love, and the situation-I also thought of David in the bible who ate the showbread which was unlawful-motive and whose life at threat plays a big part of what should be done. Lets not forget the Golden Rule, "Do onto others as you would that they do unto you".

Unknown member
Jul 11, 2023
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Sep 01, 2021

Hello Stephen..

I would of put myself in his shoes.. try to understand his situation and help him where he needs help. love and kindness are the best way to go to help anyone. the thot comes to me,

What would Jesus do? show comfort and security love..thnx ;-)

Unknown member
Jul 11, 2023
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Gina gigi Abohasira
Gina gigi Abohasira
Jun 18, 2021

Compassion is the right thing! He could have very easily died India.

Unknown member
Jul 11, 2023
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Jan 30, 2021

I’ve been informing myself thru your program on YouTube. I’ve taken your suggestion to others to check out on YouTube & I’ve taken it upon myself to check out other programs like your program on YouTube in comparison your program is my favorite because it’s clear to understand. Thank you!

Unknown member
Jul 11, 2023
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Jan 28, 2021

Compassion for sure.. he’s in a different country than his and is probably afraid and lost and not know where to go for help. Some people can be insensitive and scare people off from other countries that have language barriers and culture differences and bcus of this all they want to do is hide. Bless his heart! Stephen, Thank you for all that you do! You’re very well appreciated here in the Harris Household! Blessings to you and your family!

Unknown member
Jul 11, 2023
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